Learn to apply eyelash extensions
Have you ever thought about a career in beauty?
FabYouLash has just launched it’s ‘Lash Extension Training Certificate’ program, that allows you to become a qualified lash technician and develop the skills you need to start your new profession.
About The Course
The application of lash extensions is an art form!
FabYouLash doesn’t only train you on how to apply the extensions, but also in how to assess the client’s eyes to tailor a look based on the client’s eye shape, lash length, thickness and curl.
Your clients will fast become addicted to their beautiful new lashes. All course information and the skills taught on the day will be presented in a professional and structured format.
All tools and materials used will be provided by FabYouLash.

Day 1
Day 2
What You’ll Learn

Overview Of Course Topics
- Overview of lash extensions
- Client assessment
- Lash style assessment
- Lash application techniques
- OH&S
- Preparation and practice
- Step-by-step lash application
- lash refill techniques
- Packaging/Pricing for your salon
- Frequently asked questions
- Consent Forms
- Aftercare instructions
What Others Are Saying
The Trainer
Carla Telford possesses a vast amount of knowledge and experience in the application of lash extensions.
She has worked as a dedicated Lash Technician with over 3,500 applications to her name and it continues to grow with a client base that’s in high demand.
Carla is also a certified trainer with nationally recognised qualifications, which is the required level of qualification needed to teach and assess in TAFE and private Registered Training organisations.
On the day, Carla will be sharing all the knowledge she has gained over the years to her students.
The course is steadfast and thorough. As well as gaining valuable knowledge and required skills, students will also acquire the dedication necessary to succeed in the lash extensions industry.
Carla guarantees an ongoing relationship with each and every student. She will remain available for her students after their training, whenever required and requested.
Key Information
Classic Lash Extensions Training Cost:
The total number of students attending is limited to 4 students. This is to ensure a more dedicated and informative training experience is provided supervision will be received during the practical session, at all times
- Pregnant
- Has a history of eye conditions or complaints
- Reliant on contact lenses during the session
Eyelash Extension Kit
The kit contains the following:
- Make-up case
- C curl lashes x2 trays, mixed 0.15mm
- D curl lashes x1 trays, mixed 0.15mm
- Elleebana Ultra Hold Adhesive
- Tweezers x2
- Scissors
- Mascara wands x50
- Lint-free wands x50
- Micropore tape
- 3M
TransporeTM tape - Tiles with tape
- Eye pads x10
- Primer
- Remover
- Glue trays x10
- Disposable swabs
- Isopropyl alcohol (to
sterilise ) - Acetone (to clean tools)
- Plus heaps of extras!
For your workstation when setting up your room to begin practicing as a Lash technician:
- Blow-dryer
- Pillow
- Tissues
- Light
- Magnifying Glasses (optional)
- Beauty table
- Cotton buds
- FabYouLash Shampoo
At the end of the training, you will be able to take home your own FabYouLash Eyelash Extension Kit.
It includes enough lash extensions with the necessary lengths and thicknesses you need to get started. It will also help maximise your earnings as a FabYouLash-trained Lash Technician.
Depending on the length and thickness of the lash, 1 gram may contain between 1000-3000 lash extensions. A full set of extensions only requires up to 140 lashes, so your kit will last a very long time indeed!
You may wonder why there are many varying lengths and thicknesses of lash extensions in the kit. This is because clients have natural lashes that vary greatly in length and thickness.
If working with a minimal supply of lash extensions, you will not always achieve the desired result and you risk losing the client.
Your Certification
In order to be a FabYouLash accredited Lash Technician, a follow-up consultation will need to be made within 6 weeks after the training date.
Students must provide photos of 6 clients for assessment, submitted via the FabYouLash secret group on Facebook, or private message Carla.
The trainer will critique your work so far. It is intended to provide another opportunity for yourself to go over any areas which you feel still requires some assistance, or the trainer notices where an improvement can and should be made.
Once the trainer is satisfied with your progress, you will become a certified FabYouLash Lash Technician and a certificate will be mailed to you.
FabYouLash upholds high standards in order to ensure the FabYouLash brand is held in high esteem by the industry and by your potential clients.
As soon as your clients become aware you were trained by FabYouLash, it should give them peace of mind they are in the capable hands of a well trained and qualified Lash Technician.
Accreditation Benefits
As a certified FabYouLash Lash Technician, you join a group that shares the following benefits :
- Student pricing at 10% discount on stock
- Access to the FabYouLash secret group on Facebook
FabYouLash truly believes that your success is our success! From the moment you start training with with us, through to when you become your own certified FabYouLash Lash Technician, we provide you with as much help and support in any way we can, whenever you need.
Want to enquire about availability?